Noor Aziz

Building Singapore and Southeast Asia’s first premium wear brand for triathlon and cycling.

I dropped out of school went on to pursue a degree in Fine Arts after being turned down by a visual comms college. I got many no’s and received many rejections, so I self-studied and learnt the craft of design from other masters. Because I absolutely love this art and the ability to create. From hence, I went to hold senior creative and agency management leadership roles in renowned global advertising agencies, including as Group Executive Creative Director, Digital ECD, Managing Director, and Director of Digital Marketing.

Now for the love of sports, I founded Purpose Performance Wear; premium technical apparel for triathlon and cycling. I still get many no’s and rejections. All of which I accept as a path to learning. When you can dream higher than what everyone else can see, that’s when you start the building blocks for success.

I am also a public speaker and trainer. Speaking on the topics I am considered an expert in – branding, creativity, communications, and digital marketing.

The next phase I had envisioned for myself is in transforming work culture. To do this, I am starting with Purpose. The culture of Purpose I wish to groom is a culture where work can happen any place and any time, propelled by the desire to become excellent at the things we’re all passionate about.

I am looking for stellar talents; athletes-in-residence, to partner with on Purpose as well as raise investments with the goal to accelerate the internationalisation of both these visions.